Hello all experts. Hope someone can help me here. I bought some stamps on-line. The back of those stamps were kind of yellow-ish. I can tell they were all from the yellow envelop during the soaking process. when the water turned dirty, it contaminated the white paper (the back of the stamp). The color made the stamps look dirty. I re-soaked them in water and it didn't help much. My question: Is there any safe way to whiten or restore the paper without damaging the front side? Also in a addition to the yellow-ish, some of the stamps were cancelled by black markers in post-office. Is there way to lighten to remove those thick black maker lines? Many thanks folks! Happy collecting!
Soaking from Yellow Brown Manila covers, try cutting the stamp piece off the cover, Bowl of room temp water, lie piece, stamps face down, wait 10 mins or so (leave longer at your peril) Once the stamps slide off, rinse in clear cold water.
I have c75% success rate.
Black marker (Marker Monkey cancels) Retain until a better example comes along Any attempt at removal shall damage the stamp in some magnitude.
Cleaning stamps (much like coins) with bleach or other chemical, is generally not a good idea and can have a negative effect in its value. I'd advise against it, but that just my opinion.
yea... Thank you guys. In my own process, I paid much attention to those details when handing stamps... Those stamps that I bought were somebody else's work and I just dont want to discard them like that, trying to see if I can save them somehow...
Soaking coloured stamps on paper use desert spoon of salt per double size desert bowl.
It will hold the colour in the paper for a bit longer. Soon as you see colour coming off the paper change the water. If you can take the stamp off paper if the paper has been in the water long enough.
Always put the stamp off paper into another clean bowl of water. Then check for coloured paper ink damage.
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