Hi Nora,
This is a site that has many pictures of Penny Blacks that you can access by corner letters.
http://maltesex.com/cgi-bin/doctarr...mode=platingIn the box at the top enter "left* right*," where the asterisks are the two corner letters. In your case, "lefte righth" and clicking search will show you a list of stamp pictures.
The ones that say "NISSEN" in the "Plate Number" column is helpful for comparisons. It has pictures of stamps from all plates for the specific corner letters.
Your slanted, high-set "H" is a very good one to start with. Plates 2, 5, 6, and 8 seem the only possibilities. Plates 6 and 8 have the "H" set much too low to be your stamp. The "H" of plate 2 does not have the distinct serif on top of the right leg of the "H." Plate 5's "H" does look like yours.
Your E appears well-centred and straight. Only plates 2, 5, 8, 10 and 11 have straight E's that are centred. The "H" of plates 10 and 11 are set much too low.
The upper and base lines of the E for plate 11 extend almost to the left frame. This letter is different. Also, the H is among the lower set ones. The H of plate 10 is much too low. The "E" of plate 8 is not that well centred. It is offset to the northwest. So, again 2 and 5. The top line of the "E" of plate two is almost straight. Yours slants towards the northeast. This is what you also see in that of plate 5. The serif of the central line of the "E" almost touches the base line on plate 5, but not on plate 2.
Usually, the letters will be sufficient to identify the plate. The rays of the stars at the top show a lot of brakes in or even missing rays that help identify the plate. Also, the frame lines of the boxes in the four corners help. Compare the upper frame of the northwest box. It is strong on plate 2 and very weak on plate 5. Yours shows even further wear than the plate 5 example. Probably a later printing.
So, yes. I have no doubt your stamp is a plate 5 example.
If you go back to the listing and chose the picture 2006/05/22/DT151119.JPG, you will see the Penny Red printed from the plate also has the later state of the top frame line of the northwest corner box. The pictures of individual stamps are much better and can help confirm your findings.
Be aware many stamps were printed from the plates. Wear can cause some elements to change slightly over time. Serifs may become weak, rays can break, frame lines can thin or break. So, do not just confirm, but also try to eliminate.