You weren't kidding when you said you had some to show! Thanks for sharing, Floortrader! Even allowing for the obvious difficulties nailing down color, it is clear that mine are off in that department. The lines in mine are not nearly as crisp as they should be, either. Wow! Forgeries all the way up into the 1960s! No wonder the value of Vatican stamps is as down as it is: with so many fakes out there, serious collectors must be looking elsewhere.
Jdsstrat ---- I worked on Roman States about 20 years ago and nothing since . . I was buying both decent collections and also all the forgeries collections that came up for auction . Thru all that I picked up the master records with all the notes and paper work that was used to write the main reference book about Roman and Italian States . Forgot his name but it starts with the Rev. So-and -So .
Now my interest is collecting full sets as a W.W. collector .After a few more months it will drift off to another area .
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