The Penn State reds are SRS (State Revenue Society) catalog numbers RE3 (Issued 1950) with a catalog value of $2.50 each. The "Pint Bev. Tax" (color described as bistre) is from 1934 as catalog number B8 with a catalog value of $0.50.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (The exact & entire wording of the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution)
In case anyone's interested in the history of Mr. Herman Tappan of whom the Corning & Tappan Revenue Stamp was named, here's his biography (circa 1896, as revealed by the language used in the description of his endeavors):
Also, I found this about Herman Tappan~ The perfumes of Tappan: 1880 Ball Room Bouquet 1881 Sweet Bye & Bye 1880s Ylang Ylang 1880s Dime Cologne 1880s Aromia Cologne 1890s Little Casino Cologne 1890s Bouquet Cologne 1890s The League Bat Cologne 1892 Beacon 1893 Castles in the Air 1893 Aroma 1898 Army-Navy "Remember the Maine"
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