There will be no tardy threads with respect to Don. We should all feel free to post anecdotes of our interactions with Don for as long we can.
But following up on Mike Ludeman's post I would like more explicit information on the formal name and address of the Stamp Smarter Foundation and whether it is now officially open to accept tax exempt charitable contributions.
I will briefly respond to this.
We are not quite ready to deal with the mechanics of accepting tax-exempt donations to the Stamp Smarter Foundation at this time, although all the legal issues have been resolved.
Donations can always be made via the
PayPal donation button on the home page of the Stamp Smarter website, just scroll down to the middle of the page. Because Don's wife is the only one with access to that account ,and she is not in the position to acknowledge receipts at the present time, your receipt acknowledging your donation will be delayed. Please include a note with the PayPal donation indicating that you would like a receipt and tell us where to send it.
Once we get past the current situation, and have an opportunity to put all our procedures in place, we will make a more detailed announcement about the Stamp Smarter Foundation here on the Stamp Community Family forum, either in a new thread, or in the earlier thread Don started several weeks ago when he announced the Foundation. Please give us time to deal with the shock.
Please continue to post your remembrances and experiences with Don and Stamp Smarter here in the present thread. I am sure that Dawn will obtain comfort in reading how Don affected and influenced the philatelic community with Stamp Smarter and his role as Moderator here at SCF.
Mike Ludeman