Here is a link to my store on HipStamp:
https://www.hipstamp.com/store/coop...-us-classicsI've been selling for about 4 years now with over 9,000 listings, mostly pre-1940 worldwide classics, and this is the first time I've promoted my store on SCF. I do mention both SCF and Stampsmarter in my description, trying to promote these great sites whenever I can.
Currently, I'm in the process of scanning and loading almost 400 listings from Newfoundland, with some nice singles and a few sets. I have used, MNG, MH and MNH stamps to list.
My pricing is competitive-- I'm not really a dealer, and every cent I make on HipStamp goes back into trying to complete my Big Blue, Scott International Volume 1, 1840-1940. 99% of the time, I price my used stamps at 18% CV, unused at 20% and MNH at 35%. There are some exceptions like China, some nicer cancels, and some countries you can't find anywhere (Spanish Colonies, etc.).
If you find anything out there that you're interested in, and you're interested in a trade, I'll trade straight CV for CV for anything on my want list. And if you send me a note through HipStamp and tell me you're from SCF, I'll credit the shipping charge back to your PayPal account.
Please take a look, and hope to hear from some SCF members!