You are not alone. Someone took a decision to get rid of some of the detritus of this transitory world. Deciding to play Zeus by restoring it to them or to their relatives is unlikely to be appropriate.
Perhaps being female I'm a little more emotionally invested in such personal items? It may be that of course and forgiver me my peculiarities.
I have seen many instances of wonderful families redressing the past through photos and letters. and of course, Least we forget? And a simple no is always an option.
My children have been brought up with respect for what these men went through, not why they went through it. They are another generation who are wholly fascinated with the whys and what happened during the great wars and every other war thats plagued humanity. Luckily through stamps and letters the truth of history will never be forgotten, and at times rewritten.
Zeus? I have maltese x shih tzu called Zeus. His girlfriend, our other dog is a very large rottweiler called Brooklyn... A fab couple.
Back on topic now?!
slight edit: not posturing one of my grandaddies pics he said with a nod and a solemn face... "that was our crew took that field" no offence intended to anyone over this. It was then this is now.
Krusevac, 18. Nov. (19)15 Mein lieber Jus! Bin eben immer mit Dear Jus, I am always with meiner Kompanie beim A(rmee)O(ber)K(ommando) U. Ich my company at Army Command U. I habe, seidem ich wieder hier noch kein Post haven't had any mail as yet, bekommen, auch dein not even your Paketchen aus Berlin nicht. packet from Berlin. Meine Division kommt wieder zurück, My division comes back again, marschiert nach Nisch und wird verladen über marches to Nisch and will be loaded to be dispatched via Sofia nach Dedeagatsch im Aegaenischen via Sofia to Dedeagatsch in the Aegean Meer, von dort aus vielleicht nach Aegypten, Sea, from there maybe to Egypt, gelt da wolltest Du auch dabei sein! you wouldn't mind to be there too, would you?! Verbindung mit der Heimat wird wohl da Connection with the home is going ganz aufwändig. Hier in dem netten Stätchen to be quite complex. Here in the nice little town of Krusevac wurde für 5 Milliarden Krusevac, booty worth 5 billion Beute gemacht. Eine ?Numerigevoll? was taken. There are a number Eisenbahnzüge stehen am Bahnhofe, auch of trains standing at the station, also der Hofzug von König Peter, der selbst the court train of King Peter, who von 2 Stunden vor unserem Einmarsch had been here 2 hours before we entered hier war, dann mir seinen Sohne Alexander, the king having fled to Montenegro nach Montenegro flüchtete. Wie geht with his son Alexander. How are es Dir? Was ist mit dem Bay/e/rische Orden? you? What about the Bavarian order? Für heute herzlichen Gruss. Dein Oskar. All the best for today from Oskar.
I agree with lostandfound. In the 80's I came to know a newspaper publisher in Bogota, Colombia. I learned about his history over dinner one evening. In 1936, his well-to-do parents shipped him off to military high school in Berlin, as was the frequent custom at the time for the sons of Colombia's elites. When the war came, the Germans drafted practically everybody, including students in these schools. Although his parents tried, they were unable to get him out of Germany, and he ended up serving in the Wehrmacht for three long years on the Eastern Front. During that time he lost contact with his family, and after the war, they thought he was dead. But he found his way to a DP camp, established his citizenship and eventually, in 1946 or 47, as I recall, made it home to Colombia. He has passed now, but in his later years he returned to Germany for reunions of his old unit, without apology. During the war, he was no Nazi, but rather a terrified kid. But he remained faithful to his former comrades, who had endured with him the tragedy of war. I cherish his memory as an honorable man.
Thank you so much florian, but wow 5 billion in booty. and king petar.. So quite an interesting wee letter. Again thank you for translating!
Bud, thank you for sharing the story of your friend, we often never know how their lives have changed and what has forced them to the roads that have been taken.
Checking for address details, I found the following info: Füsilier-Regiment Kaiser Franz Josef von Österreich, König von Ungarn" (4. Württembergisches) Nr. 122 Fusilier Regiment "Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, King of Hungary" (4th Württembergisches) No. 122 6. Oktober bis 28. November 1915 --- Feldzug in Serbien October 6th to November 28th, 1915 --- Campaign in Serbia so I have to make the following corrections:
Absender: L(eu)t(nant) K(an)z(lei)f(ührend) Bäumler Sender: Lieutenant in charge of registry Bäumler F(üsilier) R(egiment) (Nr.) 122/III 105 I(nfanterie) Div(ision)
Krusevac, 18. Nov. (19)15 Mein lieber Jus! Bin eben immer mit Dear Jus, I am always with meiner Kompanie beim ?A.O.K.U.? Ich my company at ?A.O.K.U.? I habe, seidem ich wieder hier noch kein Post haven't had any mail as yet, bekommen, auch dein not even your Paketchen aus Berlin nicht. packet from Berlin. Meine Division kommt wieder zurück, My division comes back again, marschiert nach Nisch und wird verladen über marches to Ni (Serbia) and will be loaded to be dispatched via Sofia nach Dedeagatsch im Aegaenischen Sofia to Dedeagac (now Alexandroupoli, Greece) in the Aegean Meer, von dort aus vielleicht nach Aegypten, Sea, from there maybe to Egypt, gelt da wolltest Du auch dabei sein! you wouldn't mind to be there too, would you?! Verbindung mit der Heimat wird wohl da Connection with the home is going ganz aufwändig. Hier in dem netten Stätchen to be quite complex. Here in the nice little town of Krusevac wurde für 5 Milliarden Kruevac, booty worth 5 billion Beute gemacht. ?Eine Numerige & volle? was taken. There are a number Eisenbahnzüge stehen am Bahnhofe, auch of trains full of loot standing at the station, so had been der Hofzug von König Peter, der selbst the court train of King Peter, who von 2 Stunden vor unserem Einmarsch had been there 2 hours before we entered, hier war, dann mir seinen Sohne Alexander, the King then fleeing to Montenegro nach Montenegro flüchtete. Wie geht together with his son Alexander. How are es Dir? Was ist mit dem Bay(e)r(ische) Orden? you? What about the Bavarian order? Für heute herzlichen Gruss. Dein Oskar. All the best for today from Oskar.
Your card is written in Hungarian, which is a language quite unlike Indo-European languages as to its basic vocabulary and grammar, and therefore most difficult to read in somewhat careless cursive handwriting, where every seemingly minor spelling detail plays an important role, so you need a native Hungarian speaker to read the message.
Having a look at the card, I can make out precious little of it as I don't speak Hungarian. Most of it does not make sense as I am unable to read the words correctly:
Kedves Gabi! Kársínónt zsraídat. Dear Gabi, ...................................... Kiváncsi vagyok, hova fejlodik as ég kedélyállapoton hogy. Curious am I where ............................... mood / frame of mind .......................... Körülbelül es a sivál kórhasí levego nyoruta ságy a bályan get. Híddal ny vágyom más vonva útegemkor. ................. desire of mine ........................... Pedig ma donsabbal vagyok, mint mikor idejotbem. .......... today................ am I, ...................when .................... Semmi birsasi jel; aszit vagyok letérés. Nothing ......................... am I .................. Hogy vagy úragany?Gondolod, hogy mi auty találkoznach? How are you.............? Do you think that .......................................? Totan valad! Öledely ...
Two more cards came in the lot with the prior Feldpost entry. Both are sent to Prague, but one in 1909 and one in 1917. Can someone help with the language used here? . Message in Czech: Práve hledal zdejí trní komisar The local Market Commissioner has just been looking pravou ceylonskou skorici a jeliko zde jemná netlucená kura for true Ceylon cinnamon and since fine uncrushed bark vubec neznámá, prosím Vás tímto by Jste is quite unknown here, please laskave co vzorek bez ceny zdarma asi 2-3 d(eka)g(ramy) zaslali[/i] send a sample of 20-30 g(rams) free of charge na adresu "Direktion der Markthalle", aneb to "Direktion der Markthalle" (= Directorate of Market Hall) or "Herrn Maixner, Marktkomissar, Sarajevo". "Herrn Maixner, Marktkomissar (to Mr. Maixner Market Commissioner), Sarajevo" . Za laskavost jsem Vám povdecen a ujituji vás, I am grateful to you for your kindness and I assure you e zde snaíme se Vai firmu podporovati. that we are doing our best to promote your business here.
S vekerou úctou Frantiek Cervinka, obchodvedoucí firmy H. Fuchs, Yours faithfully Frantiek Cervinka, sales manager of Messrs. H. Fuchs, dríve A. Salzberger. formerly A. Salzberger.
Address side: Ctený pan Milde & Ressler, velkodrogisti, Praha Messrs. Milde & Ressler, Pharmacy Wholesalers, Prague
Rubber stamp: [i] Hermann Fuchs, Sarajevo früher (=earlier) Armin Salzberger
Square rubber stamp in red: Dolo (= received) 5/5. 17 (= May 5, 1917) Circular rubber stamp in purple: LJEKARNA U VISOKOM (in Croatian)(= Apothecary's in Visoko), the same in Serbian and Turkish - Ph(armaciae) M(agiste)r Filip Bohácek
Velectený Pán pan Milde & Ressler, To Messers. Milde & Ressler druguerie ve vel(kém) Pharmacy Wholesalers Praha Prague Stepánská ul(lice) Stepánská St. Königreich Böhmen Kingdom of Bohemia
Message side
Velect(ené) f(irm)e Milde & Ressler, Praha to Messrs. Milde & Ressler, Prague
Prosím potou na dobírku Please send cash on delivery 3 Naphtol asi 4 1/2 kg 3 Naphthol about 4 1/2 kg 4 1/2 kg Sulfur pulv(er) neb sublimát 4 1/2 kg Sulphur powder or mercuric chloride neb v kusech or in pieces 1 collo Libue zubní krém neb 1 box of Libue toothpaste or nekterý jiný v tubách any other in tubes 2 tucty Kaloderma neb Albaderma 2 dozen Kaloderma or Albaderma neb X podobný preparát. or some similar preparation. S vekerou úctou Respectfully Yours, Ph(armaciae) M(agiste)r Filip Bohácek
I'd like to think collectors, albeit postal historians, are the caretakers of history and whether we like the responsibility or not, our responsibility is automatically conveyed to us when we purchase a cover with contents.
Like relatives, some caretakers may feel more responsible and/or mature about the handling sensitive and personnel material that was never meant to be viewed by anyone other than by the addressee. I have, on more than one occasion, destroyed the contents of a cover (love letters or personal attacks and/or uncomplimentary remarks) I knew were never meant to be shared. On the other hand, comments made in the context of a time period (i.e.: anti-Semitic, racist, war-related, culture-related, etc.), no matter how distasteful to me personally, are maintained intact and shared for public view as part of postal history.
Censor? Perhaps. I think it's more common sense and prudence. I view like modern day e-mail: some people forget to hit the "delete" button when they should...and I'm just helping them, especially when they are no longer able to help themselves. Anyway, just a thought.
Here is a February 8, 1916 field post card sent from an active duty New Zealand service man to a female relative in Napier, NZ.
Picture side of card shows Nouzah Garden in Alexandria, Egypt. Card is oddly sized (62.5 x 139 mm) and appears to have been glued into a scrapbook on its bottom edge.
Here are two more items for the thread. First one is a remarkably clean postcard sent to a German infantry soldier. It is dated Feb. 9, 1916 at Meckenheim. This is a pre-war, photogravure British postcard "513 Artagravure -Printed in England". Kaiser Wilhem II "Feld-Post" label alerts that this card is being sent to service man.
Second item is U.S. American Expeditionary Forces label.
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