The following applies to any Google search including the embedded one for SCF.
1. Always start with the simplest terms and gradually add more specificity 2. Use quotes to search for something specific. For example, "2 cent Washington" will return any posts with the exact phase 2 cent Washington (in that order) 3. If you are searching on a term, but want to exclude another word, you can force the search engine to ignore a word. For example, entering Washington –Franklin will return posts that contain the word Washington but do not have the word Franklin 4. The asterisk is used by the search engine as a placeholder. For example, if your search for a phase "The dog chased * down the street" the search engine will return every posts with phases like The dog chased Billy down the street, The dog chased Susie down the street. The dog chased the cat down the street 5. You can use the OR operator to search for multiple words at once. For example, you can type "Washington 2 cent" or "Franklin 1 cent" and it will return posts with both phases
It does not search on user names unless they show up in a post. Don
I thought most folks knew most of these these, but lets list some more.
Again, all of these are useful not just here in the SCF Google search but also in the general Google search
intitle: is a useful search operator. It normally searches web pages with the search term in the page <title> html tag. But note that in this forum, the threads also have a <title> tag. So to search for theads with Washington in posts but also have 2 cent in the thread title type Washington intitle:2 cent
And if anyone is bored.... Most programmers like putting 'Easter Eggs' in their code; these are special things that are typically activated by special keystrokes. Well, Google programmers have also added a few Easter eggs based upon search terms. Note: these only work in the main Google page (not here in SCF).
search on the term do a barrel roll and Google will demonstrate!
search on Google in 1998 and the page turns back the clock
search on the term Atari breakout and then click on images to play a game of Breakout
search on the term zerg rush and shot the zergs with your mouse
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