If you are a new member, make sure you read and understand the forum rules. The rules are purposely written to be simple but if you have any questions please ask.
https://www.stampcommunity.org/rules.aspLearn how to use the search feature. Please search the existing posts before starting a new thread and see if the topic has already been discussed.
When composing a new thread, use a meaningful and relevant title.
Do not use our community to simply promote your business, product, service or website. We have plenty of advertising methods for commercial members which fit a variety of budgets.
Be civil and limit or curb any drama. If you have personal differences with another member please communicate with them privately. If working it out privately does not improve the situation then ask a Moderator to mediate.
Before posting, make sure that your post is on-topic. This makes following the thread easier and then later referencing the thread much more useful.
Ignore any spammers and spam threads, report them to the staff, do not attempt to respond to them.
We are a diverse community and English may not be the first language for some members. To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, stay away from slang, abbreviations, and acronyms.
Please do not cross-post or double post. If you mistakenly post in the wrong area notify the staff and we will help.
Help others as often as or more than you ask for help. A balanced 'give and take' approach will generate not only there the best community but also get you the most feedback when you need it.
Do not use all caps (considered SHOUTING) in either your posts or the thread titles.
Be careful when using sarcasm or humor; these are sometimes hard to detect in a written post or by folks who are not speaking your native language.
Please do not post email addresses or any other personal information.
It is best to upload images to this forum; replying upon 3rd party image hosting site can result in broken posts and greatly reduce the long-term value of your contributions.
Note that there are a handful of links, websites, and products which may be blocked in our community. These were blocked due to previous rules violations; do not try to 'work-around' these restrictions.
If you 'bump' an older thread (thread which has not had activity in the last 12 months) please note in your post that you 'bumped' it. This helps others notice and understand that it is an older thread.
If you are legitimately asking for help then do not turn around and insult those who help you. Of course opinions can vary, and a healthy debate is always welcome, but there is no needed to insult others because you do not get the opinion you want.
Do not post intentionally altered images without adding what you have modified. Asking for identification help but intentional hiding key parts of an image is not appropriate.
Avoid using acronyms in your posts, other folks may not understand what they stand for.
Opinions are always welcome but please try to include supporting context. In other words, do not simply post "I think the stamp shown is real" but instead tell us why you feel it is real. Let us know what discovery you have done such as 'I checked the perforations and for watermark'.