This is a postage stamp web site & this is the US back of the book forum & this is a stamp from the back of the book so I was hoping someone would know something. I am confused by your response. I'm sorry you are not interested in this part of the collecting hobby.
Mail moves with "franking" meaning proof of postage and fees paid, be it postage, free-franks, permits, penalty envelopes, meters and paid markings (not intended to be all inclusive).
As is often noted, one cannot collect everything. So this 'one,' me, chooses not to actively seek out CVP meter imprints. Do I have some? Of course I do gleaned from incoming personal mail.
My point as expanded by John Becker, was even with interest, it takes time to bring together information and then condense it into non-raw documentation. How much time? Well that depends as shown by the quote I lifted from the Meter Stamp Society website:
For example, the Fall 1997 issue reported the discovery of an 1897 meter stamp used in the United States which completely re-wrote meter stamp history. Until this discovery, Norway was thought to have used the first meter stamp. In addition, the Bulletin serves to update, and maintain current, the various meter stamp catalogs in print, such as The United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog.
All that said, I do collect
some permit and meter mail if it relates to certain aspects of US Parcel Post beginning 1-1-1913 and fourth class prior to 1-1-1913. I limit my interest, so far, to only 19th and 20th century material with insured examples only post 1980. My focus it postal history.
I began in the subject area just prior to 1983 with Special Handling (supplemental parcel post fee service) followed by the Parcel Post and Parcel Post Postage Due stamps. I also specialize in other areas but again they do not include 21st Century material. My years long research, proving the stamps could be on cover on that day was used to get a good certificate for a cover valued at close to $50,000. Years later my research on postal markings helped determine the cancellations tying the stamps to the cover was from a fraudulent cancelling device previously unknown.
Another fact of life is that I use stamps to send my mail and where I live, the five closest post offices do not do any computer vending. These are all one person offices with a shared back up person(s).