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What Are People Doing For Assorted Non-Usa Stamps?

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Valued Member
United States
13 Posts
Posted 01/18/2025   11:04 am  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add YawniesPapa to your friends list Get a Link to this Message
I love history, including world history, and stamps are a great way to learn more about the world. So I have not restricted myself to only U.S. stamps. Actually, by accident, I ended up with stamps from an assortment of countries as distant family members traveled and sent back post cards and letters to my great-aunts, and received many from friends who visited other countries, or have family still in the old world.
I also have a mix in this batch that my wife's friend gave me - she used a couple of the stamp vendors and received small batches of stamps from "around the world".
So I have quite a few from some places - Germany, Austria, Australia, Russia and the former USSR, and then 1 or 5 from some other smaller countries, including some from members of the UAE. That means I could fill a page or three with German stamps, and maybe a row with some from another country. I have one from Iran, one from Palestine, and so on.
So the question is - what are people doing for non-U.S. stamps where they may have a lot from some countries, 1 or 2 from others? I can't see buying pre-printed books for them as 3/4 would remain empty, unused, yet I do want some order to them as well.
Some I'd like to know the history of- I have a Japanese stamp from about 1899 that my son says was likely printed in Korea while Japan occupied that country and used the Koreans as sort of slave labor, and used their resources as their own - he thinks that stamp may be Japanese but printed in Korea at that time.
I'd like to know things like that.
I know places like Mystic offers a 2 binder set for non-US stamps, but that seems like a waste - or would it be?
Right now I have the stamps sorted into glassine envelopes and labeled by country. I have about 2 dozen envelopes, and another that's unsorted because there's maybe just one stamp from a country. I have blocks from Korea, and would like to mount them as is.

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Pillar Of The Community
United Kingdom
8196 Posts
Posted 01/18/2025   11:27 am  Show Profile Check GeoffHa's eBay Listings Bookmark this reply Add GeoffHa to your friends list  Get a Link to this Reply
Korea wasn't annexed by Japan until 1910. Prior to that, Japanese stamps were used in Japanese post offices in Korea. The slave labour is chiefly associated with the Second World War.
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Pillar Of The Community
United States
6831 Posts
Posted 01/18/2025   1:18 pm  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Cjd to your friends list  Get a Link to this Reply
If I was in your situation, I would buy a 3-ring binder and a mix of Vario pages, maybe a few 1- and 2-pocket-per-page sheets and mostly 4s, 5s or 6s? Depends on what stamp sizes predominate, I guess. The 8-pocket pages are great for storing a lot of old definitives, but they might be a little busy for display.

Whether you go alphabetically or by region, you can have a row dedicated to a country for which you only have a few stamps, and if you ever get more, you can rearrange to your heart's content. You can bump Labuan off to a new page if Korea keeps growing. Other countries may fill a page or two.

This gives you flexibility as you decide which direction your collection will go, while still allowing you to flip through your stamps.

My 2d.
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Valued Member
United States
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Posted 01/18/2025   1:35 pm  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add YawniesPapa to your friends list  Get a Link to this Reply

Korea wasn't annexed by Japan until 1910. Prior to that, Japanese stamps were used in Japanese post offices in Korea. The slave labour is chiefly associated with the Second World War.

True that. Annexation was then through treaty. My son was likely referring to prior occupation and prior treaties from the 1800s. Koreans still regard the Japanese as occupiers and themselves as being slaves to the Japanese.
So......... it makes sense it was still published in Japan rather than Korea.

I would buy a 3-ring binder and a mix of Vario pages, maybe a few 1- and 2-pocket-per-page sheets and mostly 4s, 5s or 6s? Depends on what stamp sizes predominate, I guess. The 8-pocket pages are great for storing a lot of old definitives, but they might be a little busy for display.

I actually had a large binder left over from my Microsoft classes on Active Directory years ago, and did buy some of those pages back in 2018, but never used them because of the bulk.
It may be the best way to go at least to get them organized and into a binder instead of a tub of envelopes that slide around.
I'll have to look but I believe I bought a small assortment back then.
Ideally, I'd like to sort them by "age" or year as well as country.
Not a bad idea - allowing for growth and figuring things out without anything permanent.

Thanks (to all)

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