Thank you for the
welcomes. yes, I am using Chrome browser, angore. I should be more careful about reading warning messages before I click submit.
I originally stumbled upon this site after doing a search for "Appfelbaum." I had responded to an advert for their appraisal/purchase expertise, and I have arranged to ship my stamp albums to them next week.
Since I wrote my original post above, I have read many dozens of posts on the forum, focusing mostly on my search results for the words "
inherit" and "cash" and a couple about that company and their auction price-fixing scandal.
Also, since yesterday, I scanned all 237 populated pages of my newly-inherited collection. Once again, I failed to heed a warning, and used hyphens in my filenames. I guess I could rename them if/when I upload some. I did just test a hyphen-laden filename in the
Test Topic area and it seemed to work OK. Will it bite me in the behind? Or is this a commonly-ignored warning: "letters or numbers only!"
Again, thanks for having me; no answers necessary in this topic area, but comments will always be appreciated.