Just in case anyone was thinking of bidding on any of these, the seller's unspoken policy is that they will not allow anything sold on extension if it has a question mark in the title, even though they say they will in the listing. Additionally, the only extension they will allow is Bill Weiss's $5 electronic "identification" service, not actual extension to the PF or any other expertization service. This isn't intended to denigrate Bill or his services, but on items like these identification from an electronic image rather than in-hand examination is less than useless.
I guess APS membership doesn't mean what it used to...
No offense taken at all. In fact I agree with you 100%.
But something buyers don't often consider (because they really don't know) is that if they buy a stamp that turns out to be altered (so that includes reperf, regum, repairs, etc) they have a TWO YEAR recourse for return under an APS Standing Resolution. So if the seller is an APS member they are held to much higher standards than found on sites like eBay, or the Seller's Terms. Those terms mean squat if the seller is an APS member. And the buyer does not need to be an APS member to be able to file complaints against APS members.
However as a 49-year Life APS member, I highly recommend that all collectors support their National Stamp Club and join!