Article is very true -- more of a "manufactured" financial crisis thanks to the US Government than what can be blamed only on the post office. (In fact, the link to the ad toward the bottom of the article I just saw on TV this morning.)
Do I know how to fix this? Obviously not, or I'd be earning a six figure salary in Washington! It's a dilemma that will certainly need some action but if past experiences with Washington bureaucrats is an indicator, it will wait until the deadline of their financial collapse before they'll do something about it.
In fact, I posted this in a earlier thread on the subject and I still believe this statement to be accurate:
But the United States Postal Service going into bankruptcy? Say it ain't so!
OK, it ain't so. The USPS isn't going anywhere. It may be running on empty, but our fragile economy would collapse without the mail. The Washington politicians know this, and first-class mail helps them get re-elected. So we'll mend the broken parts of the system, close the little hometown POs, lay off 220,000 postal workers, and push forward as best we can.