i purchased this card at the Ottawa show in honor of my wife...i remember being at a Dutch military cemetary and it was a strange feeling...the tombstones were so similar aged 20 years all killed in one Week in May 1940 !
Was your wife in the Dutch underground? I ask this because my aunt was in the Belgian underground. My uncle married a Belgian. He was with a Canadian Dental Unit in the Netherlands and Belgium.
My uncle came back to Canada after the war and my aunt followed him later.
Bujutsu, my wife was too young...her two sisters carried messages for the underground...The Dutch always fondly remember the Canadians and rightly so ...my wife asks why she had to wait until May 1945 to be liberated..i can only tell her the Allied commanders probably had other things on their mind..they tried to go through Holland once before !!
Bujutsu theres a book titled "The Hunger Winter" a general history of the Netherlands and its government during its nine months of waiting (for liberation from the Nazis) its kind of grim to read !
I can well understand how grim it must be. I know that at the age of 17, my aunt was being shot at by the Gestapo and she was never caught. Her father did suffer at the hands of the Nazis and died a few years after the war as a result of his treatment.
Bujutsu sounds so familiar...reminds me of my wifes sister who was 15 at the time...her rationale was the Germans steal from us..so turnabout is fair play..yes some people had lifelong health problems due to the lack of food....
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