... My favorite way is to leave the stamp on paper and trim it as close as possible! ...
The habit of a lifetime being what it is, I have been setting aside my incoming PSA (Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive) stamps.
Having reviewed many posts about the varied laborious removal methods, I decided that the best way to save these for
someone else some day was to trim the paper down to a fine margin, and be done with it.
Then I read the guidelines at a donation site (or two), and I now understand that they want a half-inch margin of paper all around the stamp, to make for safer removal by
someone else some day.
Then I read (here & elsewhere) that some people
are (against my better judgement) collecting those atrocious shpritzy postmarks and - in for a penny, in for a pound - if I am already saving a well-margined stamp, I might as well carefully cut & save the whole traditional 2x4" corner for
someone else some day.
Of course, those dimensions do not always suffice, so sometimes I get an irregularly larger piece, which contains a stamp that I do not want, and a shritzy postmark that I do not want to look at, all for
someone else some day who - and this would be the hoped-for good news -
does not share my taste!Ever slipping down the slippery slope, the only way to save myself the trouble of carefully cutting the corners of covers I do not want - to save stamps that I do not want - that are defaced in a way that I do not want to know from - is to save the
entires that I did not want.
And, so, I am filling shoeboxes with entires.
Q/ Would this be a good time to scream?
/s/ ikeyPikey