If you think ebay is a good site you would absolutely love bidStart. It is fabulous by comparison.
I do occasionally go over to BidStart. The basic functionality is nice, but I find that their "no listing fees" policy creates a different search issue... namely that there are thousands and thousands of stamps listed for each country, and I find it hard to filter the ones that have been listed for five years from the ones that were listed (completely NEW listings, not RE-lists) in the past... say... 30 days.
Delcampe has a bit of the same issue, but has worked around it by having a HUGE number of subcategories for each country, so you can drill down to what you're looking for.
Perhaps the single search feature I miss MOST on ALL these sites is the capacity to sort results by "lot ID number." All the sites assign "auction numbers" in ascending numerical order... so if I could sort my search results "by ID number, descending" I could easily look at ONLY recently listed material.
It's perhaps the ONE place where eBay's high fees work in their favor. Few sellers are going to list material likely to just "sit there" for five years till someone comes along to buy it if they have to pay 20 cents per month, per listing, to have it there.
Ultimately, I guess there is no "perfect" system.
~Peter edited for typos...