Forum Rules |
General Conduct
Member Accounts |
You may only have one member account. Multiple accounts are not permitted. |
Family Friendly (12/29/07) |
- If you wouldn't want your 10 year old daughter to see it, then don't post it here.
- No bad language, unacceptable pictures, or links to any sites that contain them.
- No bypassing the forum filters by any means.
- The staff reserves the right to remove anything we deem unacceptable.
Personal Attacks (12/29/07) |
Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Debates are healthy and thought-provoking, but they must remain civil. |
Forum Email System (12/29/07) |
The email system is not available to new members for security reasons.
Abuse of the email system including, but not limited to, self promotion and spam will result in immediate and likely permanent banning. |
Send Note to Staff Button (12/29/07) |
There is a "Send Note to Staff" button in the bottom right corner of every post. This is by far the fastest way to get the staff's attention. A big red flashing light goes off on the top of all the staff members' monitors. It can be used for anything, including but not limited to...- Reporting spam.
- Reporting unacceptable content.
- Requesting a topic be moved.
If it's not urgent, you may use the contact us link at the bottom of any page on the site. |
Disclaimers (12/29/07) |
- This site may contain links to other web sites and files posted by members. We have no control over the content and can not ensure it will not be offensive or objectionable. We will, however, remove links to material that we feel is inappropriate as we become aware of them.
- These forums are not private. Any information posted here will be available to the general public.
- By registering here, we are authorized by you to remove or modify any data submitted by you to these forums for any reason we feel constitutes a violation of our policies, whether stated, implied or not.
- Opinions posted by our members in response to questions are exactly that...opinions. Opinions expressed by individual members do not necessarily reflect the views held by Stamp Community, its administrators, or its moderators. Stamp Community cannot be held responsible for acting on our members' advice.
Locking Of Membership (12/29/07) |
Memberships can be locked for violations of the forum rules.
This may be a permanent locking for serious (usually repeat) violations. More likely it would be temporary to give you a chance to read the rule in question, then you would be reinstated. Discussion of sanctions on the forum are not allowed.
Reason or duration notwithstanding, registering under a different ID to circumvent the suspension may result in permanent banning from the site. |
General Rules
Avatars and Signatures (12/30/08) |
Animation: Animated images are not permitted in avatars or signatures.
Avatars: Custom avatars can be added to your profile for your exclusive use. All you need to do is upload it in the support forum or link to it. Don't worry about sizing or cropping. We will take care of cropping and resizing the image.
Fine print: Avatars may not be animated or contain advertising and must be family friendly.
Signatures: Signatures are not allowed until you reach 100 quality posts and must be discreet. Some forums look like a circus because of the crazy signatures that are allowed. This will not happen here.
Guidelines: 1. Signatures are limited to 125 pixels in height. 2. Text must be normal forum size. Do not make it bigger. 3. No more than 3 links. 4. No colored text, please use black only. 5. No animated or obnoxious images that distract from the forum topics. 6. You may link to buy, sell, and trade items on the forum or other sites. You may not actually list the items in your signature. 7. Please don't try to be clever and add a manual signature to every post. Trust me, you're not the first to think of it.
Spirit of this rule: Do not go out of your way to make your signature stick out, if people want to read it, they will read it.
Note: All avatars and signatures are subject to approval and removal by the staff at any time. |
Posting External Links (12/29/07) |
If you are a new member, please refrain from posting external links right away, live or static, unless you have prior approval from the staff. Stick around and get to know everyone first. This will avoid any confusion about your intentions. Good things come to those who wait.
The posting of external links by new members (under 50 posts) is tightly monitored for...
- Drive-By Links: Promotion by new members of other sites. These type links are sometimes very obvious, sometimes they are not. We are not a free advertising site. Posting links to sites you own is not allowed until you reach 50 quality posts. Please do not be offended if you have a link removed. It's not a reflection on the quality of the site and it's not personal.
- Profile Links: Search engines are blocked from member profiles, so if you are thinking of signing up just to get a back link in your profile, keep moving and don't waste our time and yours. It will be worthless.
- Competing Links: From time to time links may be posted that are in a direct conflict with a Stamp Community revenue stream. These links may be removed depending on the possible affects on this site.
Buy / Sell / Trade Rules (08/06/2016) |
Buy / Sell / Trade rules are in the individual forums. Buying, Selling, and Trading are only to be done in the appropriate forums. Please read them. You buy, sell and trade here at your own risk. Stamp Community will not be held responsible for anything or be required to investigate anything. Selling Forum Want to Buy Forum Trading Forum Promotion Forum |
Posting Rules
English (12/30/08) |
All posts must be in English |
Self Promotion / Advertising (12/29/07) |
Self promotion of any kind is considered spam. This includes silly work arounds to the posting links rule. For example, telling visitors to go to Google and search "blah, blah, blah" and it will be the first result. If your post is removed and you say "But I didn't post a link," we will probably just lock your account and forget about you.
No advertising. If you need to advertise we have options. Also, No promoting other discussion groups whether you own them or not. |
Choose the Correct Forum (12/29/07) |
We have many forums to choose from that are broken down in to categories. Posting your topic in the most appropriate forum will get the best results.
Occasionally the staff may move a topic to a different forum. These decisions are based on experience and will most likely get your topic more attention. If your topic is moved the forum will send you an email letting you know. |
Email Addresses (10/1/2012) |
Please do not post email addresses. There are robots that scour the Internet for email addresses to sell to spammers. We do not want them coming here. |
Fund Raising / Soliciting (7/3/2007) |
Fund raising or soliciting of any kind is strictly forbidden without prior permission from Stamp Community. |
Images in Posts (12/29/07) |
Images are permitted in posts within reason. Obviously photos of stamps involved in the topic are always allowed and encouraged. Extraneous animated images other than the occasional smiley, happy birthday image, or similar are frowned upon and subject to removal.
Although you may use Imageshack to host your images linking directly to Imageshack pages is not permitted. You must embed them in your post. |
No Affiliate Links (11/18/08) |
All affiliate links** must be property of Coin Community. No other affiliate links are allowed in posts, signatures, or profiles. No exceptions.
** affiliate links - In affiliate programs, it's a special URL that contains the ID or username of the affiliate to receive compensation. This URL is used by the advertiser to track all traffic the affiliate sends to the advertiser's site as a part of the affiliate program. |
Topic Titles (12/29/07) |
The title of your topic is very important. Let's say you need help attributing a 10 Cent Stamp....
- Bad: Need Help
- Better: Need Help with 10 Cent Stamp
- Good: Need Help with US 10 Cent Stamp
- Awesome: Need Help with US 10 Cent Air Mail Stamp
This enables the members with expertise pertaining to your question to easily find and answer your question. The title of the topic also becomes the title of the topic's web page, which enables us to attract more collectors to the site. The more members we have, the more we learn. |
Spell Checker (12/29/07) |
We have a spell checker that works fantastic with at least Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Mozilla browsers. When posting, it's right above the post box. Give it a click before submitting, it only takes a few seconds. |
Cross Posting (12/29/07) |
Please do not post the same topic in multiple forums. Pick the one that you think best fits your topic. If the staff feels that it belongs in a different forum, they will move it. You may also contact a staff member to suggest the topic be moved. |
Be Patient (12/29/07) |
We are all volunteers here at Stamp Community. So please give your question some time to be answered. |
Paragraphs (12/29/07) |
Please use paragraphs. It is extremely difficult to read very long blocks of text on a computer screen. It's OK if you're not a grammatical guru and split them in the wrong places, just break it up some please. |
Internet Yelling (12/29/07) |
Do not post in all capital letters. This is the Internet equivalent of yelling and is very annoying to most people. |
Instant Message Lingo (12/29/07) |
Please do not use it here. Example: How r u? Please save that for IM and text messaging and use full text here. |